IF is the best.

And IF we can, ya know, stop fighting for a minute, that'd be great.

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It would, indeed, be great.

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Jul 22Liked by leithian

Very well written and Informative article and I happen to agree with your take on the subject..United We The People Can reclaim our nation And divided we will lose it..No doubt about..Detach from their bread and circuses matrix and their divide and conquer propaganda..Do it for a month and you will never want to reconnect with their false narratives..Go to the Ocean and go to the mountains and reconnect to nature and let it all go..There is another way it’s called your way where you decide if you are going to have enemies and who they are..Jesus said be in the world but not of the world ponder that while at the Ocean or the Mountains with nature and it will start to make sense..You have to detach from the machine or you will eventually be destroyed by it..

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Jul 20Liked by leithian

All of us should certainly look for some middle ground. I’m not in agreement with much of what you said, but I try to understand it and I respect your point of view. I can certainly stay civil with civil people, even far left people (which you obviously are not, just sayin). I actually wish things could be the way you want them to be, more tolerant and peaceful.


Everyone sees things through their own lens that’s shaped through their experiences in life. It’s been my experience that for every war I’ve been in I didn’t necessarily hate the enemy, but I fought them. Matter of fact I begrudgingly respected the enemies will to fight. I’m sure Vietnam vets had the same experience. we destroyed Nazism not by killing Nazi leaders, but by defeating their armies. If what we are in right now is in any way akin to a fight for survival, I can’t bring myself to abide or tolerate, certainly not to show mercy, to soldiers on the enemies side. I respect the globalists game, but the cabal leadership wouldn’t be leaders if they didn’t have anyone to lead.

I will continue to seek different perspectives. I appreciate all of you.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 21Author

I really appreciate everything you've said, and I do agree with most of it. I also truly appreciate your perspective as a combat veteran. The distinction for me is the 4th and 5th Gen warfare, where tactics and weapons have become infinitely more sophisticated. If it was an open war with clearly-defined, organized armies to defeat, we could approach it differently. And, sure, the globalists need their henchmen and minions, but they also possess the vast majority of wealth and resources... and the most important of their henchmen, in the upper echelons, well, the majority of us are not directly fighting them, are we? We are largely fighting against propagandized, delusional minions. And, I think we have lost sight of one another's humanity. So, it all becomes a bit of a chicken or egg conundrum for me.

None of this will stop me laughing at memes highlighting the absurdity of those minions, nor will it stop me feeling frustrated by their blind allegiance to the contrived narratives, and getting angry at the damage caused by this. I will continue pointing out the lies of the propaganda. But, I will not go toe-to-toe with them as individuals and make it personal. I have yet to see anyone I have previously engaged with in a negative way actually change his or her mind based on my input. If anything, it makes the person more firmly entrenched. What I have experienced is forming respectful relationships IRL with progressives, planting seeds of truth, and seeing those seeds begin to bear fruit.

The other aspect of this is that many who are aligned more to the right are also too busy fighting each other to do much else, even fight the "enemy" army.

Perhaps things cannot be more tolerant and peaceful, but I will not accept it as impossible without trying. I am not suggesting we just lay down. We absolutely must fight. I am suggesting we need a different approach.

I am not trying to persuade you to embrace my view, nor am I diminishing yours. I am attempting to further clarify why my focus is on the billionaire power brokers, because my post was far from comprehensive.

And, you have beautifully reinforced my point that we do not all have to agree on everything to get along and work toward common goals. I sincerely thank you for your valuable perspective. I, too, am always open to considering different views, and to revise my own when needed.

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Jul 20Liked by leithian

The more I read from you and Jaqueline and Demi the more I can see the point. Phisto as well. This is the way.

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Thank you so much for this conversation! Your comments have prompted me to give even more thought to the matter.

I am still working my way through this, and it has been a slow realization for me, but I do believe it is the way when dealing with individuals as opposed to systems and institutions.

I'm thinking of the old adage that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar. Attacks make people defensive, triggering pride to dig in, and further alienating the individual. What better way to to fight the enemy than to convert the soldiers - or, at the very least, make them begin to question? The cognitive dissonance may be too great to accomplish that with many, but I choose to be hopeful and to try. There is an obvious, ongoing awakening in progress. I think we can help it gain even more momentum. =)

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Jul 20Liked by leithian


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THIS. fucking exactly THIS - ALL OF IT. This is the message of our times. I have a post going out tomorrow that is highlighting this plus a roundup of non-divisive and pro-humanity articles, I'm gonna go right tf ahead add this one in there. thank you.

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Thank you, Tess! I agree it is the message of our times.... and a rising tide raises all ships. I so appreciate you including my plea. I'll look forward to your post! We need so much more of this.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by leithian

A beautiful call for unity, sister. Thank you for your acknowledgement. And also for your time spent with me this week orienting ourselves further along a path that rises above the noise. ❤️

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Amen! Thank you, once again, for your inspirational conduct and your beauty of spirit. 🥰

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I've been working on a song called We Are Human for a couple of years now. I'm gearing up to just get'er done sans 'perfection' as now seems like a REALLY good time to release it to the world! ❤️

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Wooooo, there's that rhizomatic, mycelial network in action again! I can't wait to hear it!

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You are absolutely right!

‘Divide et impera’ Divide and Rule. As long as people are divided, they’ll not rise.

Stirring up anger and hatred belongs to that category of ‘divide’ since it prevents people from uniting of which only Rulers benefit.

Moderation is required, a clear head is needed, not a hothead. Use your brain and consider who benefits ultimately.

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Thank you, Joyce, and well-said! I greatly appreciate the like, comment, and restack! <3

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Jul 21Liked by leithian

I posted this on another thread. I thought it was pertinent to this important discussion. I’m 54, I think Gen X and older still has a perspective of communication being in person. Younger generations that grew up with social media probably think of communication as a more anonymous thing. Hard to articulate but I think the different mindset has an impact on how we communicate.

Some people seem to think that posting things online protects them from consequences. Well, in some cases they are wrong. If I said some dumb shit like Home Depot granny at work I’d get fired. Yeah, maybe she wasn’t at work, but putting something out that the entire world can see is done at one’s own risk. I don’t waste time doxing people. But we recently we looking to hire another pilot at work. Very good paying job. We found a perfect candidate until we did some google searching. He had some pod cast appearances that were not conducive to how we operate. We didn’t hire him. Copy and paste below:

I also owned business, we did 99% of our marketing on Facebook. Military themed, called Gruntworks. We not surprisingly were more conservative on our views. When the 2016 presidential elections were taking place we got shut down weekly, basically for posting memes that weren’t pro Hillary. Business fell by 90%. So no, I couldn’t give a fuck for liberals now being inconvenienced by their own actions.

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Gen X, here, too. I agree with that assessment regarding communication.

I do NOT have any problem with people experiencing deserved consequences for words and actions. Absolutely no problem. People should be very careful what they say, and employers have the right to make decisions on hiring and firing based on these things. 1A pertains to government censorship, not the private sector.

My message is not "forgive and forget." I have zero sympathy for these people getting a taste of their own medicine. What I find distasteful is conservatives going out of their way to doxx and level "cancel culture" at these people out of pure spite and want for revenge. I 100% understand the desire for it, especially given what I have experienced in recent years as a scientist. I choose not to act on that desire. Let them suffer the consequences - we should all be prepared to accept consequences for words and actions - but I will not seek to get someone fired for having reprehensible, abhorrent views. There may be some circumstances where I would find exception if I was personally involved, but on general principle, no. It's the idea of "two wrongs don't make a right."

I have the same emotional reactions, the same desire for vengeance. However, I am making an attempt to "take the higher ground." It all smacks of bloodlust and mob mentality to me.

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Jul 21Liked by leithian

I agree with all that. I won’t go out of my way either. Hell I’ll admit that if I did I’d probably feel bad (I’d get over it). I don’t think this is an epidemic on our side, it’s happened a few times compared to tens of thousands from the left. Including ruined lives and suicide.

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Hopefully, it calms down. In the meantime, I don't mind a bit of schadenfreude.

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Jul 20Liked by leithian

Thank you for the link, this is a great article!

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Got sent here by DoG. You won me over right away! I will subscribe.

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Thank you so much! I truly appreciate the sub. =)

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Thank you for writing this powerful and true piece! Unity not division. I’m with all of this. I appreciate your passion so much and I’m glad I found your work.🫡🔥

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Your comment means a great deal. I am pleased with how well this has been received, and that it resonates with so many.

I would love to write more often, but time is a major issue. So, when I actually do, it's because I feel like I must. I can't rest until I've expressed what I'm thinking/feeling.

The infighting among dissidents undermines our efforts. And, if we have any hope of reaching the propagandized, it will not be by attacking individuals.

I am grateful for the support and encouragement in this community. Thank you again!

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Thank you so much for sharing!

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An important appeal and worthy goal.

It does, of course, presuppose that if normal people changed their oppositional focus from each other to our elitist overlords, that they would naturally oppose what those overlords are doing. I certainly believe that is the case with many.

But not all, sadly. Some people like what the overlords are doing.

Some people have such a strong slave mentality and external locus of control that they crave the control of masters and “experts.”

Some depend on government for their economic survival. Not just people on the dole, but every government employee and contractor. Bureaucrats and soldiers and police and politicians. City bus drivers. Tax collectors and trash collectors. The overlords do this on purpose. The more people that depend on them, the less inclined people are to revolt against the hand that feeds them.

Some people like the frisson of “virtue” they get from supporting all the causes the overlords tell them to support. All the causes that make them one of the BeautifulPeople™.

Many people, once they see the true face of totalitarianism, are appalled. But not everyone. Indeed, we know, for example from the release of the Stasi files, that some people, when they see the true face of totalitarianism, really like it and want to join in.

This appeal will impact those who share our values. That is good. To the extent that it refocuses the minds of those who share those values, it will have a positive effect.

I guess I would simply caution against too much optimism about people. In every society that goes totalitarian, people who value freedom quickly discover that not everyone else does.

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